Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989)
is a Spanish writer, filmmaker and painter and a modern master of the Surreal Arts. Dali strived to bring the human's definition of "real" into doubt by creating art using techniques where the subconscious of a person is being used rather than them trying to achieve a certain image.
A technique first created by Dali is now known as bulletism, where an artist "shoots" paint or ink at a blank piece of paper and hence creating an image of what is visualized in the lines and shots of paint/ink.
A very well known example of this method is shown below:

Salvador Dali 1969

Dali's breakthrough in Surrealism was with his painting The Lugubrious Game that contained a whole new form of Surrealistic techniques.

- "Salvador Dali at William Bennett Modern." Salvador Dali at William Bennett Modern. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. <>
-  "Surrealism: Bulletism and Salvador Dali." N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. <>

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